How to Grow Garlic : A Simple Guide for Beginners

Have you ever been in a kitchen and as soon as you step your foot in you get the scent of garlic pervading the air that warms you up like a blanket on a cold day? It reminds one of wholesome delicious meals being prepared and the comfort of having loved ones around. Garlic is actually necessary in almost every dish; the addition it brings to any food makes it stand out. And cultivation of garlic is easy for everyone and does not require specific knowledge.

The different varieties of garlic I grew in my backyard in the previous year were seven. The results were amazing. Starting from the authentically Italian Purple which had a strong taste of garlic to the hot Georgian Fire which I preferred in my cooking. I loved it so much to pasta, I even used four times the garlic required in the past recipes.

Garlic has been used from time immemorial, The great historical period can be associated with its use. Interestingly, it has been noted in the Old Testament, which gives us an assurance of its availability and usage. Every culture has its own kind of garlic available thus the variation of flavors. Well, from strong and pungent garlic to gentle and almost sweet, there is a type for everyone.

Those having a question as to where they can find these garlic types, the answer is as follows; No need for you to stress yourself as am going to help you with that. Maine Potato Lady and Territorial Seed as well as Boundary Garlic Farm offer different sorts of garlic bulbs. Different companies selling the products have different quality, prices, and shipping time; therefore, select the most suitable one for you. This guide will help you know how to grow garlic and how you can harvest it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Growing garlic is easy and suitable for beginners.
  • Garlic offers diverse flavor profiles and characteristics.
  • There are trusted seed companies where you can purchase garlic bulbs for planting.
how to grow garlic

Why Plant Your Own Garlic?

Garlic is one of the most enjoyable plants for growing yourself at home. It provides you with ready and continuous stock of fresh, tasty bulbs. These bulbs are much superior to the ones found in the commercial market these days.

Certainly, it is recommended that an effort should be made to plant your own garlic so that various tastes and varieties can be experimented on. Chesnok Red and German Extra Hardy, which are hardneck types, produce 5-7 large cloves per bulb. In the case of softneck types like California Early White, the bulb provides approximately 12 cloves.

Softneck garlic types also store for a longer time as compared to hardwood garlic types. It is also important to note that you can savour your garlics for more time than the frequently purchased bulbs.

how to plant garlic

Another advantage is collection of seeds of the preferred garlic. This allows you to advance the same garlic in subsequent years. Organic approaches helps one to have quality garlic and this has minimal or no dependency on other people.

However, pests and diseases are things that you should look out for. Common pests attacking garlic include cutworms, leaf miners, and thrips specifically the red-legged onion thrips. There are several ways with which the pests can be kept off, one of these is the use of the organic pest control such as the Sevin Insect Killer Ready to Use. This should be done after two weeks; harvest only after the two weeks that the treatment is required.

Garlic also gets diseases such as botrytis blight, downy mildew, and purple blotch. For these, use fungicides: for example, Daconil. They maintain the health of your garlic plants.

Next, we’ll talk about where to buy garlic. We’ll look at good places to find a variety of garlic for your garden.

Choosing Garlic Varieties

It is therefore important to know the appropriate garlic varieties to fall for. Relate the garlic planting season and the idea of what type of soil is suitable for growing garlic. All forms of garlic are different in flavor and texture; therefore, it is exciting to use the different types. These authorities give their preferred garlic types to make it easier for you to choose the right one.

Garlic Varieties

There are 11 types of garlic, with three being softneck: He has Italian, Silverskin, Artichoke, and Middle Eastern types of vegetables. The other eight are hardneck: There are categories like porcelain, rocambole, purple stripe, glazed purple stripe, marble purple stripe, Asiatic, turban, and creole.

Softneck garlic prefers warmer climates, and it subtypes are Silverskin, Artichoke, and Middle Eastern. On the degree of hardness, the hardneck garlic variety prefers cold regions. Softneck garlic stores better than the hardneck types of garlic.

Artichoke garlic is large and can be cured for a long time of between 8 to 12 months. Fresh garlic of silverskin type is easily available and can be stored for a year.

Porcelain garlic is large with bulbs 4-6 cloves good for 6-10 months. Rocambole garlic produces 8-12 cloves per bulb and is suitable for storage for 4-6 months. Purple Stripe garlic has 8 to 12 cloves and they have a storage life 4 to 8 months. This type can germinate between 60-90 plants per pound of the seed.

Garlic selection depends on the climate of the region you live in, and this may require the help of an expert. Also, prepare your soil well by tillage, turning over the soil and adding compost or manure and providing for good drainage. This will assist your garlic to have better growth.

Depending on the garlic types you are growing, arrange them for easy harvest and storage methods. Learning the variety you have and the duration it can last will enable you to extend the use of your garlic for several months.

Next, we’ll look at where to buy garlic to start your garden.

Horticultural GroupSoftneck Garlic Varieties
SilverskinThe most common type found in grocery stores; can store for up to a year
ArtichokeTends to have 10-14 (up to 22) cloves per bulb; can store for 8 to 12 months
Middle Eastern
Horticultural GroupHardneck Garlic Varieties
PorcelainProduces large bulbs with 4 to 6 very large cloves; can store for 6 to 10 months
RocamboleTypically produces 8 to 12 cloves per bulb; has a storage life of 4 to 6 months
Purple StripeProduces 8 to 12 cloves per bulb; stores for 4 to 8 months; can yield 60-90 plants per pound of seed
Glazed Purple Stripe
Marble Purple Stripe

Where to Buy Garlic

Are you willing to begin to cultivate garlic outright? It is critically important to have good source of garlic bulbs that will sprout properly. Fortunately, most of the reputable seed firms display a large variety. They have all sorts of options that cover all the preferences and growing conditions possible.

As for the garlic bulbs, the best stores to buy from is none other than Gurney’s. They stock a large range of both hard neck and soft neck garlic. Which may be mild or spicy, Gurney’s have all kinds of garlic for the customer on demand.

The web based company known as the Maine Potato Lady also has fantastic garlic bulbs. They mainly are famous for potatoes, though they have a wonderful collection of garlic as well. Select their garlic based on growth and taste they want on their food.

Another great place to source on garlic bulbs is at Territorial Seed. They concentrate on eating healthy, the utilization of natural and renewable resources in gardening. It has garlic for various climate and areas and it is committed to the environment.

In general, Boundary Garlic Farm may be attractive for the clients searching for specific types of garlic. They also have available different type of bulbs: conventional and hard-to-find ones. If you would like some traditional sweets or would try some new ones, they have all of these.

Remember, some garlic types might be hard to find, so order early. Also, check if the company ships to your area. Some have restrictions.

Seed CompanyWebsite
Maine Potato
Boundary Garlic

Now you know where to buy garlic bulbs. Next, we’ll cover the best ways to plant them. This will help you start your garlic garden right.

How to Plant Garlic

Planting garlic in the fall is easy and rewarding. Follow these steps for a great garlic harvest next summer.

1. Choose the Right Time

Garlic must be planted before the first hard freeze comes. Timing of grafting A: depends on the particular region, but it is better to do it in the middle of fall, namely late October-November. This allows the bulbs to start developing roots before the harshness of the winter sets in.

2. Prepare the Planting Bed

Choose a place that is exposed to direct sunlight and the soil must have good drainage facilities. Garlic grows well in well-cultivated soil that has a lot of organic much. Sweep out all the weeds and rocks and incorporate compost or manure to increase fertility.

3. Separate and Plant the Cloves

Peel the garlic bulbs but keep the skin/paper on each clove. It is suggested that they should be sown 2-3 inches deep and be spaced 6 inches apart. This spacing aids the bulbs to grow big.

4. Mulch the Planting Bed

It is recommended to put a layer of mulch over the bed once planting is done. The ways that mulch helps the garden are few and include; it warms the soil, inhibits the growth of weeds and retains moisture. The best material to use is straw or nitrogen rich items such as dried leaves or dry lawn mowings.

5. Water and Monitor

Water the bed well, at the time of planting itself and do not let it dry up. However, cease watering the plants after the first frost has occurred on the ground. Garlic has to grow in a proper cold period to do so.

6. Scapes Removal

It is in mid-June when scapes could start to grow. Some of these stems can cause the bulbs to become smaller if they are not pruned. The kernels should be cut off to achieve larger bulbs. Concisely, it is safe to say that you can use them in cooking for enhanced flavour.

7. Harvesting

Remove garlic in summer when the leaves of the plant begins to turn yellow and wither. This is usually from the end of May to the beginning of July. Carefully transplanted using a fork, the bulbs should be dug up. Cause them to dry in a well aired area for at least four weeks before setting them for storage.

Following these steps and caring for your garlic plants will lead to a great harvest. With a little effort in the fall, you’ll have plenty of tasty garlic next summer.

Growing Garlic Tips:Suggested Varieties:Harvesting Period:Storage Duration:
Plant in loose, well-draining soilSoftneck: Inchelium Red, Italian Early or Late, California EarlyLate May to Early JulyApproximately 6 months
Provide a chilling periodHardneck: Chesnok Red, German White, Music
Plant cloves 6 inches apart
Apply mulch to retain moisture
Remove scapes to promote bulb growth
Harvest when leaves start to yellow and dry

Caring for Garlic Plants

Once you’ve planted your garlic, it’s time to care for your plants for a great harvest. Here are some key tips to help you:

how to grow garlic in pots

1. Springtime Maintenance:

During spring time, specially while harvesting garlic scapes one is advise to do it in a careful way that does not harm the bulbs. This aids in the increase in size of the bulbs as well as the ability to store them The lighting could also be more appropriate depending on the size of the bulbs. Additionally, also pay attention on the leaves of your garlic plants. They can begin yellowing and fall off as the season advances through the spring.

You should dig your garlic when the leaves are beginning to yellow and die back to about forty percent.

2. Watering and Fertilization:

Water is another factor, the garlic plants have to receive the right portion of. Over watering leads to rotting while under watering stunts the growth of bulb plants. Give your garlic plants some nitrogen fertilizer, once the spring is around the corner.

This will enable them to grow strong and healthy hence improving the repossession rate.

3. Container and Indoor Gardening:

Garlic is rather adaptable, so even if you have limited balcony space or no yard at all, you can grow it in pots or even in your house. Planting garlic in a container is good because it is easy to manage and control the environment. Ensure that containers chosen have proper drainage mechanism so that they do not water log.

Indoor gardening, you should put your garlic in a place where there is direct sunlight or you use artificial lights.

4. Proper Spacing:

When planting the cloves of garlic ensure that they are planted at a right distance. Indeed, for the best growth, plant them 4 to 6 inches apart shall be our last note to the topic so as to maintain the high standard. If you have little space, then they can be planted closely, one right next to the other.

In this manner, one plant will not have to struggle for space and nutrients because the other occupies this space.

5. Sun Exposure:

Garlic prefers sunny position, thus ensure you provide full sun to your plants for at least six to eight hours in a day. Put them in an area that you can expose to lots of direct sunlight. This assist them to grow big and healthy.

6. Harvesting and Curing:

Garlic plants should be harvested when they begin to die back, that is when the foliage turns brown and dies off. One should wait for about forty percent of the plant to have browned out. Dig around the bulbs lightly in order not to damage them.

Curing is the next important step to take so as to preserve the freshness of the garlic after the harvesting process. Keeps the bulbs to dry at a cool and dry area for about one month or until there is complete drying of the bulbs. This ensures that are well protected for the necessary periods of storage.

how to cultivate garlic

7. Choosing the Right Varieties:

All the varieties of garlic should be selected after considering the hardiness zone and the climate in your region. Softneck garlic is suitable for warm climate regions while hard neck garlic is suitable for the cool climate regions. However, it comes in the different types that have unique characteristics such as the size of the clove and the storage period.

Here’s a table that shows the differences between garlic varieties:

VarietyNumber of Cloves per BulbStorage LifeNotable Features
Purple Stripe8 to 129 to 12 monthsCloves with elongated bulbs
Glazed Purple Stripe6 to 126 to 8 monthsColorful cloves with a moderate storage life
Creole8 to 12N/ARed to dark purple cloves suitable for various climates
Artichoke12 to 20N/ALayered cloves encased in a white or lightly streaked wrapper

With the right care, you’ll soon have a lot of tasty garlic to enjoy. Just follow this guide to help your garlic plants grow well all season.

Harvesting Garlic

That being the case, many gardeners consider the harvesting of garlic being a big occasion. There are many enjoyable Southern activities that make the effort to grow these crops worth it in the end: months of care and finally, the harvest. This would help maximize its freshness to the subsequent year’s planting season and harvest period when the garlic would have matured sufficiently.

how to harvest garlic

Depending on the type of garlic, it is crucial to properly time the picking period. It takes approximately eight months to mature, by June/July of the following year after planting. Watch your garlic plants. This is the correct time for picking Amina when the leaves of the plant display yellow and dry color.

The maturity period of garlic differs in bulb and types of garlic. Most of the hardneck garlic cultivators prefer harvesting their garlic when the top portion of the plant is brown and has reached 40% of its terminal browning. Softneck garlic takes a shorter period to mature and notice that they have different maturity rates hence may need to harvest one after the other.

You should use the right tools when harvesting the garlic. For digging up bulbs without damaging the stalks, a garden fork it’s most ideal. Prepare the soil condition by forking it, take the bulbs out gently and ensure the roots and the stalks are not destroyed.

After that, dry the garlic. I would air dry it to allow nature to take its course and then transfer it to a cool, dark environment for at least three to four weeks. This as a result assist in forming a skin on top, thus enhancing storage quality.

After such, wash the garlic bulbs to remove dirt and after that leave to dry. Peel off the outer skin of the garlic gently, removing only the outer skin and avoiding cloves which are in poor condition. Only store healthy bulbs.

Freezers minimize exposure to air and hence, keeps garlic fresh. It is also advised that store bulbs at a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Organize them by using braids paper bags or egg carton.

Organization of winter is the essential technique to be practiced especially in cold areas to safeguard garlic from frost. Straw or leaves can be used to mulch garden in order to prevent bulbs from freezing. Mulch also needs to be cleared in spring to allow new shoots to grow through it.

Follow these tips for a successful garlic harvest and winterization. With these steps, you’ll enjoy fresh, flavorful garlic for months. So, get ready to harvest and enjoy your hard work!

Saving Garlic Seed for Replanting

To keep a steady supply of fresh garlic, saving seed cloves is key. Choose the best garlic heads and store them right to grow new bulbs. Here’s how to grow garlic from a clove and keep the cycle going:

1. Selecting the Best Garlic Heads

The cloves must be separated when the garlic is ready for harvesting but keep the best for seeds. It is vile to look for big firm bulbs which have no diseases or traces of any such diseases. These will give you strong new bulbs.

2. Properly Storing Seed Cloves

Place the whole uncut bulbs of garlic with the best heads oriented upwards in a paper bag in the coolest, driest place you can find. Such areas as pantry cabinet or basement are preferred. To avoid sprouting of potatoes or bulking up, do not expose them to light. This way your garlic does not sprout and is set for planting once again.

3. Planting before the First Frost

Bury the cloves you’ve preserved earlier when the first frost is approaching. This is normally between the 15th of September and the 30th of November depending on the region. It allows the cloves to take root before winter sets in.

4. Cultivating Garlic from Cloves

What this mean is what you plant as a clove develops into a garlic head with sectioned seeds for the following year. Choose the best cloves to start with from the stored heads of cloves. Sow them in the right manner, in the right soil, 2 inches deep with the pointy end facing upwards. They transplant it at 4-6 inches apart in rows and space the rows at 12-18 inches.

5. Caring for Growing Garlic Plants

Garlic has to initiate cold temperatures to produce bulbs. Make the soil around the cloves to be mulched with straw or leaves to increase in temperature. Ensure that they receive adequate water but at the same time do not over water them. Garlic requires slightly less watering, this means that it prefers slightly dry soil.

6. Harvesting and Storing the Garlic

Garlic can be harvested in June or July when the plants may have 3 or 4 brown leaves and dry outer covers. This is the harvesting period of garlic. Various types of garlic take somewhat different amount of time to mature so be vigilant about it.

After that you should proceed and cure the garlic appropriately. Placed the plants in an area with an adequate amount of fresh air and keep them out of direct sunlight. Allow them to dry for 2-3 weeks in order that they will acquire their cured form. When cured properly prepare them in a net bags and proper moisture content should be maintained for the nuts at 45-55 % and it should also be kept at 50-70 degree F.

Garlic VarietyStorage Duration
Hardneck Garlic3-6 months
Softneck Garlic9-12 months

If you save garlic seed, you would be able to grow your own nice garlic in your garden every year. The best bulbs should be saved, planted at the right time and the plants taken care of. Thus, these are the procedures that will be necessary in order to have fun in the process of growing your own garlic and, maybe, savor the taste of the garlic you have grown.


Growing garlic is easy and fun, offering a way to enjoy fresh, homegrown flavors. By learning how to plant and grow garlic, you can grow your own tasty bulbs. You can pick from many types, each with special traits.

Garlic, like any other plant, requires the appropriate environments to grow as required. Plant your rose bush in late summer to early autumn, in a soil that doesn’t retain water and ensures right spacing. Also let the garlic rest through winter so as to come back bigger and better prepared with bulbs.

Garlic is ready for harvest when the bottom leaves of the plant turn brown or its sheath pulls away easily from the bulb. Harvest crops as they reach maturity, but not on days when there is moisture since this may cause rotting of crops. Plant garlic and when it is ready for harvest, harvest the garlic by pulling and then cure your garlic in a well-ventilated area for three weeks. This makes the garlic more flavorful and help it to remain fresh for a longer period of time.

Irrespective of how many years you’ve been gardening or if you are a beginner, growing garlic is always fulfilling. Try it out and enjoy the fresh taste of your own garlic with your foodstuff on the table when cooking. Yes, it will take time and effort together with proper information which will make the garlic you grow wonderful.

Must Read : How to Grow Cauliflower

FAQ : How to Grow Garlic

How do you grow garlic?

First, it is necessary to loosen the soil and plant the cloves of garlic with the sharp end up. Ensure the soil is loose and about the depth of 2-3 inches. Spread this over the top of the bed and water it for the first few weeks of the garden’s existence.

Let the garlic grow. It is best collected when the leaves are dry and brown on the plant and be detached easily.

Why should I plant my own garlic?

If you grow your own garlic that means you are able to benefit from fresh garlic and the different types. Grow and store it is also easy. Also it is effective in repelling bugs, and helps in preservation of the seeds for the future use.

How do I choose the right garlic variety?

Choose your garlic types based on climate and your planting season. Some varieties are known to favor some conditions of the environment. Ensure that you choose the ones that can well fit the area you have.

Besides, it is advisable to loosen the soil for garlic and think about the climatic region you live in.

Where can I buy garlic for planting?

Sources that you can purchase garlic seeds from include the following Maine Potato Lady, Territorial Seed, Boundary Garlic Farm. They should be dollars so check if they ship to your area and order early to get what you need.

How do I plant garlic?

Peel garlic cloves: cut through the skin laterally and pull it apart to split down the center; plant cloves with the tiny end pointing upwards. Place them in motionless loamy soil, 5-7cm deep. Then plant the area, and water it for the initial 3-4 weeks as well for the mulching purpose.

Following that, cease watering once the ground is frozen at least once in the hard stage.

How do I care for garlic plants?

This plant needs moderate water and nitrogen fertilizer for the plants to produce garlic in spring. Anything that may hinder its growth must be cut-off from them. If you want to, you may grow garlic in pots, or at least in a limited garden and balcony and even in a house.

When should I harvest garlic?

Garlic should be harvested in July, when about three-quarters of the tops have been cut and have turned brown and dried. Scrub them and then allow them to dry in some warm and dry area. Then, store them in paper/mesh bags, indicating the contents of the bags.

How do I save garlic seed for replanting?

Choose the best garlic heads for seeds and store them in a paper bag away from light. Plant them before the next hard frost. Use smaller bulbs for cooking, as they can also be used to grow new garlic plants.

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